
14 Aug 2013

CV Updates

just some of the letter 'O' shapes from the many jobs I've worked on. 

Here is an extract from my latest CV update outlining my skill set which I am now offering on a freelance basis.

- 3d Maya Generalist
- Creative Design
- Compositing
- Motion graphics and 2d animation
- VFX Supervision
- On Set Supervision
- Bidding / Costing VFX Shots and sequences
- Delivering VFX
- Client Facing
- Pre-vis, storyboarding, animatics
- CG enhanced Illustration & photographic retouching
- Team Management & Recruitment
- PR / Marketing
- Business development
- CG business administration and consultation

Software expertise: Maya, Nuke, After Effects, Photoshop, Flash, ToonBoom, Filemaker

full details about me can be seen here.