
29 Aug 2014

Udan Emas - an Animation of an Oil and Gas exploration project in Indonesia

I have been working almost a year full time at Myriad Global Media -  a corporate video production company who specialise in the energy sector. I have been tasked to bring together the disparate graphics resources for the companies growing animation output.  Mostly managing freelancers and doing design or research work for projects as well as trying to maintain a strong quality control standard. Recently I completed a project for KrisEnergy where I produced most of the 2d and 3d graphics and made the complete After-effects composite.

click image below to view movie on KrisEnergy's website
 link to KrisEnergy film

25 Feb 2014

Sundance Film Festival Projections

Having worked on the Sundance Institute Center's wall projections in 2013 we were asked again to produce some eye catching content for the 2014 festival. This was the 30th anniversary of the festival so we made every effort to make the graphics as striking as possible. Two simultaneous HD projections flanked either side of a touchscreen wall area and the content was all themed to promote the HP sponsored digital archives and history of the festival dating back to the eighties.

The project was commisioned by Simon Collins of London agency GMR Marketing. I worked closely with Joel Harrison who had been a major contributor to the first 2013 festival project. We also took on great help from designer / animator's Jun Iwakawa and Ian Macklin.

See a movie cut of it here.