
28 Jul 2011

Pin Up illustration

An exercise in taking a photo and giving it the 50's pin up girl painting treatment. the photo is treated heavily in Photoshop and then overpainted in Painter. I changed the face in all but pose. The tyre prop is the crappy bit - I was going to paint over it - need something else there not competing with her so much for attention.


  1. How about adding another good~looking girl adjacent; that way you would have no need for a crap tyre!! What do you want? OVERKILL! Or more eye-catching!
    Hey Olly Long Time~No See!!!!!!! I really hope you&your family all are well &Congratulations on your son! Amy told me. I’m glad your life is good. I mean it. It seems like years since we were in secondary together &I loved sitting with you in Mrs Watson’s Art class (copying!!)
    Kindest Wishes Ruth X

  2. How about adding another good~looking girl adjacent; that way you would have no need for a crap tyre!! What do you want? OVERKILL! Or more eye-catching!
    Hey Olly Long Time~No See!!!!!!! I really hope you&your family are all well &Congratulations on your son! Amy told me. I’m glad your life is good,i mean it.It seems like years since we were in secondary together &I loved sitting with you in Mrs Watson’s Art class (copying!!)
    Kindest Wishes Ruth X

  3. thanks Ruth - seek me out on facebook we can catch up. were you the tall dark haired Ruth at st helena ? remember not much about art classes there or mrs watson though

  4. Hey Olly!!! X
    Do you not remember Mrs Watson=she made us make YELLOW dolphin bowls in pottery?We were only allowed the YELLOW colour dye?? two shades but just of yellow! i still do have mine! (hoarder!!)Yes that is me and i think at the time i prob used to have a pink rat tail on my short haircut too!!i was really pleased you've done so well and that you are happy. How is babe? all good with him i hope.i need to join fb yet!!avoided it as it seems to run ppl lives!i see Stuart Powell in town at odd times~he has been really poorly actually&Saul hunnabal but rarely anyone else!!Sarah Walters&Neil Southgate~my memory is pretty sh*t too but i did once write a list out of everyone!Do you see anyone from school or did you go to the reuniouns?Sorry it has taken me a while to reply as i have been away with my daughter~she is not always well&we take regular hosp trips! My other daughter is getting married!!!Take~care of you Ru :} X
