28 Apr 2022

Unity Essentials Level 2 - Make a 3d scene and publish it to the web

I have worked through a few of the basic tutorials in Unity. I've learned to navigate the UI and build from primitives. I've learned to add components to 3d models and give them physics attributes. I've learned to make prefabs - these are the same as Maya Instances. 

The navigation is almose the same as Maya. F is the focus hotkey just the same. 

The Inspector is the same as Maya's Attributes and Nukes Properties - it even sits on the right in the same place that those two position it. 

The Project panel at the bottom contains assets and materials etc - the same way as  the Aftereffects Project panel. 

Hierachy panel on the left is the same as Maya's Inspector.

I made a practice 'game' where coloured barrels fall onto slopes and I adjusted the elements until one finally went the whole course and landed in the target area at the end. I then set about making a 'build' of the game scene ( choices are MacOs, Windows or WebGL )

The WebGL build can be seen here - its not super exciting but I have now published my first Unity project.

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