during the summer after the disastrous fiasco with the Russian movie which had ended with Dmitry having to go find a proper job I was left with a studio and equipment but no work or partners. However the rent was very cheap on our first Shoreditch studio ( literally a square room ) so I took out a loan, paid off debts and carried on doing little jobs for JML shopping channel and odd little things for design company Fibre. The independance was pretty great after 10 years at Liquid TV.
Then I briefly teamed up with pal Ian who helped me get this TV title sequence for Windfall Films. I had previously worked on two Windfall titles at Liquid so we all I knew I could do a good job . This was only the second title sequence I've ever designed as well as animate ( I also did My Parents are Aliens before at Liquid )
the show was on Channel Four - about a group of ex cons challenged to try a pull off some staged robberies with real security etc. The animation was 2d Flash and ToonBoom, with some 3d elements - the van and camera.